L. D. Bell Band Ensembles

Marching Band
The L.D. Bell High School Marching Band is an award -winning ensemble consisting of 250 students. The band is a consistent Bands of America Regional and Super Regional finalist and has appeared at the UIL State Marching Contest dozens of times in the group's history. They are the 2000 and 2004 State Champion and the 2007 Grand National Champion.
Concert Bands
LD Bell's Concert bands include Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band. Our three performing ensembles consistently achieve the highest rankings at UIL Concert & Sightreading. The LD Bell Wind Symphony is an invited performing group at the 2023 Music For All National Festival.

Percussion Ensembles
LD Bell Percussion Ensembles have a history of the highest performance standards. From the yearly Night of Drumming, which includes all LD Bell Cluster schools, and high achievements at Solo & Ensemble contests, LD Bell Percussion is one of the premiere groups in the area.
Jazz Band
Jazz Band at L.D. Bell meets during the second trimester and is open to all instrumentalists. Students learn the basics of jazz style and improvisation and perform a Jazz Showcase concert at the end of January. Additionally, we host an after school Jazz Club on Wednesday afternoons during the second trimester.

Winter Guard
Students audition into Winter Guard during the month of November. Rehearsals take place three evenings per week during the Winter and early Spring. The Winter Guard competes in the North Texas Colorguard Association (NTCA) Circuit!